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If like me you grew up with Maggi food products, you probably thought the trademark belongs to a local food producer, as well as Nestle.  At least that was my assumption until I learnt that Nestle is a Swiss multinational food giant…shocking! 

This fact admittedly took a little while to accept, for some of my favourites such as Milo, Ovaltine and Betty condensed milk are made by Nestle.  Another surprise came during a recent trip to Jamaica with my Swiss German friend who was surprised to see Maggi, which she pronounced differently from us Jamaicans.  She pointed out that Maggi, like Nestle has Swiss origins.  So, I did a Google search and here’s what I found in Wikipedia

The company originated in Switzerland in 1884, when Julius Maggi took over his father's mill. He quickly became a pioneer of industrial food production, aiming to improve the nutritional intake of worker families. Maggi was the first to bring protein-rich legume meals to the market and followed up with a ready-made soup based on legume meals in 1886. After that Julius Maggi introduced bouillon concentrates, first in capsules, then in cubes…In 1947, following several changes in ownership and corporate structure, Maggi's holding company merged with the Nestlé company to form Nestlé-Alimentana S.A., currently known in its francophone home base as Nestlé S.A.

Thanks to Julius, Maggi has become a household name in Jamaica.


Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXMj6DtIueo

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Updated May 2020

July 2018