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The Jamaican Folk Singers

The Jamaican Folk Singers

Possibly the musical group most associated with Jamaica’s folk music is the Jamaican Folk Singers, which started in 1967 by Dr. Olive Lewin along with a few friends who shared her passion.

Lewin was a well-known classically trained musician and ethnomusicologist, who the Jamaican government appointed in 1966 to research and collect Jamaican folk music. 

Lewin unearthed of a rich array of folk music and her group, the Jamaican Folk Singers became a channel for transmitting and preserving this musical heritage. 

The group performs a variety of folk music, including Bruckins, Jankunnu, Kumina, Maroon, Mento, Nagos, Rasta (Rastafarian), Revival, (Set-Up; Gerreh), Tambo, and Worksongs.

Today Christine McDonald-Nevers leads the Jamaican Folk Singers as they continue to entertain and delight audiences both home and abroad.

See Experience Jamaïque Blog entitled Jamaican Folk Music to learn more about Jamaica’s traditional music: https://experiencejamaique.com/blog/jamaican-folk-music

Also: http://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/entertainment/20170912/jamaica-folk-singers-gives-thrilling-50th

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Updated June 2020

March 2017